Week 2 day 4

 I wanted to hit legs today... change of plans I hit chest. It felt good hitting chest because I hadn’t had a big chest week in a while. Quick chest right into abs which was a change of pace. This I decided to do because the abs have been taking a toll on my neck and I wanted a fresh neck so I could get the best out of abs. After abs I hit biceps which as I have said I do everyday. These biceps were very hard because I was dead after abs and chest. I began going very slow and it gives me a much much much better overall workout. After I broke my diet which I was pissed about and I broke down and ate bread not only but also a damn quesadilla. I was pissed but this was one of the first times in around a month so it’s not terrible. Today overall rating 7/10 because I broke my diet.


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